The Southwestern Ohio (Cincinnati) Regional Science Olympiad Tournament will be held on Saturday, March 5, 2022 at Xavier University.  We welcome volunteers to help on the day of the tournament with registration, scoring, assisting event supervisors, and other tournament support functions. Volunteers are needed from 7:15 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and must be available for the entire day.

Founded in 1984, Science Olympiad is one of the premier science competitions in the nation, providing standards-based challenges for nearly 5,000 teams at 375 live and remote tournaments, in all 50 states, last year.

Science Olympiad competitions are like academic track meets, consisting of a series of 23 team events in each division (Division B is middle school; Division C is high school). Each year, a portion of the events are rotated to reflect the ever-changing nature of genetics, earth science, chemistry, anatomy, physics, geology, mechanical engineering and technology. By combining events from all disciplines, Science Olympiad encourages a wide cross-section of students to become involved. Emphasis is placed on active, hands-on group participation. Top performing teams in each division qualify for participation in the Ohio State Tournament.

In 2013, Cincinnati Science Olympiad joined with iSPACE to offer this opportunity in the Southwestern Ohio area. Many volunteers from colleges and industries in the Cincinnati area gather each year to provide this opportunity for students, many of whom could become the science and technology leaders of tomorrow.

The Ohio State Virtual Science Olympiad Tournament will be held on Saturday, April 9, 2022 and the National Virtual Science Olympiad Tournament will be held May 9-14, 2022 through Caltech.

More information about Science Olympiad can be found at the national Science Olympiad site:

Contact Steve Schrantz, Tournament Coordinator, for more information at